165 results found
Option to show real-time poll results on audience devices after a web poll vote is placed
After a web poll link is used, show the voter the real time results and keep refreshing the page like a gamecast app/page does, so the voter can see the real-time results of the poll they just participated in.
94 votesWe’re excited to share that on premium plans, presenters can now show the live results of multiple choice activities on participants’ devices. Enable the “participants results chart” under your activity’s response settings to see it in action.
Learn more:
Nested groups of polls
I hear this is in the works, but being able to have groups of polls INSIDE other group would make managing hundreds of polls much easier to navigate and deal with. THANKS!!
88 votesWe’re thrilled to announce that Folders and a refreshed navigation have launched today! Thank you all for your feedback — it’s been pivotal in helping us build the new organization system.
Log in to your account to see Folders in action and register for tomorrow’s webinar to learn all about the release:
Customisable PollEv Page
I think it would be really useful if users could customise the look and feel of their pollev page. It's great to be able to customise the poll page for the presenter in order for it to be brand compliant with our company. I think it would make an even bigger impression on audiences if you could customise the pollev page to have the same or similar look and feel to what they are seeing on the presenter's screen. The tool that is used to customise the polls works well and should be applied to the pollev page so that…
63 votesThis is now available! It is available on our Convention Plan and above. You can read about how it works here:
Latex in question and not just answer?
Can you allow latex in the question and not only the answer choices? Please. Pretty please. With sugar on top. And sprinkles, definitely sprinkles.
54 votesWe got it! You can now have inline LaTeX in the title of the poll question, in the answer choices, and they will display on the pollev web response page (including surveys) for your students.
You can use the TeX shorthand of $$ to enter your equation.
1. click the Create Poll button
2. Type your question $$ your equation in LaTeX $$ the rest of your question
3. click Create and you are doneYou can see detailed instructions and screenshots for how here:
Remember to start your question or answer option with “$$:” so we know to convert it properly.
Multiple Correct Answers in a Poll (Only allow 1 response per poll choice)
Allow multiple correct answers in a poll, without allowing multiple votes for the same answer.
53 votesWe’ve disabled duplicate responses on Multiple choice activities by default. Thanks for your feedback!
Automatically set Polls to Hide
Is there any way to make the default setting for the Polls the Hide option instead of the Show option? For most instructors, they want the students to respond independently first before showing the graph. Showing the graph by default sways the student responses. I know I can edit this setting once the polls have been created, but it is just one extra step in an already multi-step process that would save me a bunch of time.
41 votesWe’ve added two ways to hide results by default when presenting activities. The first is for our slideware integrations (PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides). The second is a user-wide default account setting for all newly created activities to default to the instructions view.
For details about slideware, check out our support article here:
To make hiding results the default for activities, log in and visit Then select “Show the instructions” under “Show instructions or results”.
Improve reporting for clickable image polls
Results for clickable image polls are currently documented in reports using percentages. The participant's selection is noted as a percentage of the image as a whole.
It would be awesome if the user was able to identify the defined regions of a clickable image poll in a report. This could be done by numbering the regions as they are defined by the user, or by allowing the user to name the regions as they are created. The goal being to make the results of the report more clear by noting the user defined region of the clicked response.
24 votesDone! All new regions on clickable image polls will be assigned a readable name by default (Region 1, Region 2….) Furthermore, you can edit the name of a clickable region on new or existing clickable image polls from the Edit menu. Click the new Pencil icon on the top right of the click region.
You can see the details for how here:
The basics:
1. Create your Clickable Image Poll or click on the title of an existing one to open it2. Click the Edit button on the bottom right of the page
3. Click somewhere on the image > a small box or “click region” will appear. You may resize this box and drag it to the appropriate place on the image. You can create as many of these regions as you like.
By default, we will name them regions 1, 2, 3….4. Click the pencil icon…
Sub-users can be a member of multiple groups
Hi there,
We would like it if sub-users can be a part of more than one group. We have some faculty who teach graduate and undergraduate classes, and need to copy polls from other undergrad and graduate faculty. Currently users can only be a part of one group. Can you please change this so that users can be a part of multiple groups simultaneously?Thanks,
Kevin24 votesPresenters on your Poll Everywhere account can now be members of multiple Teams! Learn more here:
The clickable images need a response counter in the bottom corner
I absolutely love the clickable images. One problem though is that the number of responses only show up in the regions I've selected to count, and I generally hide those initially so that students can't click where everyone else is clicking. But then there is no tally of responses like on other polls when the results are hidden. I'd love to see a corner tally just like other polls, so I know about when to reveal the click locations/location tallies.
22 votesWe have it! We have a total response counter for clickable image polls. You may now hide the click markers, the clickable regions, and display a general count for the number of total responses for the poll. Here’s how:
1. Click on the title of the poll question to open it
2. Click on the Visual Settings menu – the grey paintrbush icon on the top right
3. Then click the checkbox for “Show total results” at the bottomThis will display the total number of responses on the bottom right of the poll display.
Allow image in question for short text answers/open questions
You can have an image as part of a question for MCQs but why not other questions such as short answers?
20 votesWe’re excited to announce that this feature is now available! You can now upload an image to open-ended and word cloud activities.
Integrate with Microsoft Teams as an app
There is a strong need to be able to control the forum of people voting/comment but doing so in an anonymous way. There is no great way to do this in Microsoft Teams and the only apps available that support this are TinyPulse and other competitors. Microsoft Teams is important because it's used in enterprise scenarios and already can control access to various groups etc.
I use PollEverywhere regularly with my organization of almost 100 people. Being able to extend it's usage to garner feedback asynchronously and anonymously outside of meeting rooms and presentations would really take it to the…
20 votesYou can try the first version of our Microsoft Teams app here:
For now, our MS Teams integration is limited to only multiple choice polls. You can get information for how it works here
Account Delegation for Poll Execution
We often have classes that utilize multiple professors. They would like to be able to share polls, powerpoint slide decks, and class data more easily for a single class. Account delegation for at least poll execution rights would probably be able to solve this use-case completely.
17 votesThis has been completed! It’s available to all Enterprise and University-wide accounts. See our guide below.
Stimulus Questions - Images in the Question
Allow for stimulus - maps, pictures, charts - to be added into the question
15 votesHi,
You asked for it and we got it :)
On any Multiple Choice Poll you can add an image to the question. This will be on the Instructions View. To add the image you can do the following:
1. Open your multiple choice poll
2. Click on the visual settings icon. This is the grey button that looks like a paintbrush . This will open the Visual Settings Menu
3. Click on the Instructions View Settings menu within Visual Settings
4. And, click on the blue Choose button to add an image.
5. When you want to show the results, click on the green eye to Show/Hide results
Add A Live Updating Leaderboard for Team Competitions
The current segmentation feature doesn't allow me to view a live visual of which team is in the lead. It would be nice if there was a live view that could be embedded into PowerPoint.
12 votesYou can now make Competitions! Learn more:
Decrease the minimum size of the click box.
The clickable pictures allow you to re-size the box that indicates the correct region. However, the box has a minimum size that is too large for some applications.
Sometimes it is necessary to define a very small region if you want the audience to identify a very precise finding. Ideally there would be no minimum box area, or it would be not much larger than a persons finger on a tablet. A 300 X 300 pixel box would be a good size for a small box if the pictures was full screen on a 2048x1536 pixel iPad. The box could…
12 votesGood news! Smaller regions can now be created. We will flash up a warning if it looks like your region will be hard to hit on some devices, but you can chose to ignore this if your use case suits it.
Right to left Language
Please support right to left language and allow to align all sort of theme and text to the right
10 votesWe support this now for Hebrew and Arabic. If there’s another language you’d like us to include please comment.
With clickable pictures, have option to NOT reveal if the click was right/wrong (in the box or not).
Right now if you use a clickable picture, the user gets instantaneous feedback if they were right or wrong. Their click shows up as a green check or yellow X on their device. Also, if I want to reveal the clicks on the presenter screens as they are coming in, so the audience can see what everyone is clicking on, it will show which clicks are correct or not. I would like the clicks markers to all be the same (possibly blue) then when the timer runs out, I can reveal who was correct and who was incorrect and have…
10 votesDone! If you are hiding the clickable regions with our show/hide button (eyeball icon) then all of the click markers will appear the same green color. If you show the clickable regions by clicking the eyeball icon then incorrect responses should only then turn yellow. Check it out and let us know what you think!
Allow users to delete their account
As a user of Poll Everywhere, I want to be able to delete my account if I decide that I don't want to use this product anymore.
9 votesYou can now delete your account from My settings. Learn more here:
show total votes with percentage view
Offer the ability to show percentages, but also include somewhere on the slide, the 'total # of votes', so that presenter can judge as to how much to continue to push the audience to vote.
9 votesYou can do this now! Our “show total results” counter is available in our Visual Settings menu (paintbrush icon) on the poll chart. You can see the details for how here:
LMS integration with D2L
We use D2L for our LMS and would like to have integration for polls.
9 votesWe now have an integration with Brightspace D2L. For details to set it up you can visit our support material here:
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