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  1. Better handling of numeric answers

    when numerical answers are required, display a histogram of the distribution of responses, so lecturer can see roughly how many get close to the right answer, and how many are far off.

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  2. Participation% total for course

    Please add a running total for all polls used in the course, students want to know what proportions of polls they have answered so they know how they are doing. Professors are using Polleverywhere for participation. This total participation % should be easy to sync with LMS with a click or on a daily/weekly automated schedule.

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    Thanks for your suggestion! While we don’t have a running total currently, you can get participation % by:
    1. Importing your course roster from your LMS to Poll Everywhere
    2. Creating a Gradebook report for each activity you used in class on a regular basis (like daily or weekly)
    3. Filtering that Gradebook report by the Participant Group
    4. Exporting the Gradebook report to the LMS and selecting to send Participation rather than Correctness.

    Let me know if that helps. We appreciate your feedback!

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  4. Create a "MATRIX" poll

    Please create a matrix poll: You ask a question, have several items for which the quesiton should be answered individually in separate rows, and then have a predefined set of possible answers, where the user is asked to respond in each row. It would be perfect if you can define, how many answers are allowed in each row. This matrix could be used for ratings (e.g. "rate these 5 presentations on scale 1 to 10" with 10 different answer options; "rate these 5 movies on a scale from "poor" - "okay" - "nice" - "great") or other questions like "how…

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  5. Scale & 100 point questions

    I had to go with for a conference due to not having the question types of scales and 100 points. You guys should check those 2 types out and add them to poll everywhere.

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  6. Adding a feature that allows participants to notified when they are to answer a poll question.

    dding a feature that allows participants to notified when they are to answer a poll question. This could be something like a push notification on the app or an email alert when using the website.

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    This could be possible for us to do with our downloadable mobile application, but gets very tricky for participants that are just using a web browser or text messaging to reply. We’ve also been very hesitant to cause any notification that might cause “buzzing” or other sounds in a large auditorium as it might be very distracting, although I believe there are some ways around that.

    Are most of your participants using the downloadable app or are you looking for something more?

    Thanks for the feedback!

  7. Auto toggle of "show/hide" with timer

    I love the timer feature, how you can set a poll to automatically lock when the timer runs out. It would be GREAT to have the poll show/hide toggle also when the timer runs out, at the same time as the lock toggle. I use poll everywhere in my lectures and I want students to be able to answer a question without seeing the other students' answers. Then once the timer runs out the poll should lock and automatically show the results.

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  8. Timed/scheduled activation of a poll

    I'd like the ability to push a scheduled poll to my dedicated page
    without the question being visible until the poll actually starts.
    Currently the question is visible, the users just cannot submit a response
    yet until the start time has been reached.

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  9. When I advance past an embedded poll in PowerPoint, deactivate the poll

    Basically what the title says - it's really slick that a poll activates as soon as I move to its slide in PowerPoint, but when I advance to the next slide after the poll, the poll remains active and people may still be responding. I'd like to see it where it's only active while the poll's slide is being presented.

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    This is a tough one. We’ve had a couple other folks ask for this as well. There’s a couple reasons we’ve been reluctant to make this change
    - first, we really want to make sure that the audience is able to reply. Getting that feedback is the core part of our service so we try to be more lenient in that direction vs. harder time restrictions
    - second, it’s fairly common (and easy) for presenters to accidentally skip forward a slide and then go back. And, we don’t want to

    Those are the two big ones. We could add a toggle to switch whether we default to de-activate when you leave a poll slide. However, it’s a lot more complexity and a bit risky for us to maintain two different versions for how Activation works since it is such a core part of our entire workflow.

    So, it’s certainly not…

  10. Integration with ProPresenter.

    It would be great to have an add in for the program ProPresenter on MAC. Very useful and widely used presentation software. Same idea as powerpoint an keynote. Thank you for considering. I'd love to see this available in the near future if at all possible.

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    Hi Greg,

    I believe the last few releases of ProPresenter have a web page viewer included. You can present your polls from the web there, the same way as if you were using our website to directly present your polls.

    You can directly navigate to the poll chart, hover over the top right of the chart, and click “enable fullscreen” to start presentation mode.

    We also support PowerPoint and Keynote integration with our Mac App.

    Give ProPresenter a try and let us know how it works out

  11. "Presenter View" support in PowerPoint

    Is there any way to support presenter view in PowerPoint? I'd love to be able to see one slide ahead instead of just mirroring my presentation when I have my laptop plugged into the projector. Currently the polls display but not in the correct location on the slide...they will be off center or even overlayed on the presenter view screen instead of on the slideshow.

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    Well, this is tough. Presenter View is not specifically supported, however we do usually work with it. We do have a workaround setting that we can apply if you are using PowerPoint for Mac. If that’s the case, please contact us at and we can walk you through our “Force Monitor” feature.

    Unfortunately, we do not currently have a similar workaround for Windows. I opened a request with our Windows Slideware team to investigate if there’s something we could do as a workaround in the short-term. Otherwise, Microsoft does not have Presenter View available in the API (integration format) that we use. So, for us to fully with Presenter View we’ll need to do some reverse engineering to figure out what kind of math the Microsoft engineers are using here. Which is just tough for us.

    I’ll see what the team thinks and try to get another update on…

  12. Conditional Responses

    It'd be nice to have followup questions based on the response that has been sent. For example say the first question is "do you use public transit? a) yes b) no" and only if they answer "yes" they would receive a followup question "What type of public transit do you use? a) bus b) light-rail"

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  13. Ability to delete individual responses

    In a moderated event, it would be good if we could delete individual responses to preserve the 500 response count. In many cases, we have forums where we would like to allow participants to be anonymous and also to have the ability to input multiple responses, but it only takes one person in the group to ruin it for everyone else. Deleting all the responses is not a great option because it deletes the legitimate responses.

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    Ah, this is a tough one. Most of our pricing is based around the maximum number of responses allowed per poll question because generally larger events have a larger budget and this helps keep things fair for our customers and keeps us in business.

    If we allow plans with moderation to “delete” a response and prevent it from getting recorded as a response it allows for some bad agents to game our pricing system and get a lot of “free” responses by showing them and then “deleting” them before they reach the limit. So, it’s a tradeoff for us.

    We might be able to do something like giving each presenter a maximum of 5-10 “deletes” that they can use for any given poll question. That way you can remove a few bad responses that you never want to display, but prevent gaming the system.

    Do you think that would work…

  14. Allow group members to clear response data

    In academic uses of Poll Everywhere, a lot of instructors have teaching assistants who help them to collaborate and share polls. We use the "groups" feature for this but one thing that TAs do not have access to do with grouped polls that they did not create is clear response data. This would be a great setting, for example, "Allow group members to clear response data for this poll" to enable for groups.

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    I understand completely. Yes. These sorts of Permissions and Collaboration features are really important and can also get complicated for us. The largest issue is just that it varies from presenter to presenter as to whether they want to allow others to do things like Clear Results.

    For now, we are defaulting to prevent other users on the account from clearing or performing any other permanent/destructive actions on another person’s polls.

    We have a few different initiatives in progress that should hopefully begin to address these sorts of issues, however introducing a more complex permissions system is a long project for us.

    So, please stay tuned and thank you very much for the suggestion! We appreciate it and will do our best to post here and keep you all updated as we build more toward a multi-user and collaborative world.

  15. Hybrid multiple choice / free text question type

    It would be helpful to have a hybrid multiple choice / free text questions type. E.g. Have 3 multiple choice options and an "Other" free text field

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  16. Default the PPT presentation back to the Instructions tab automatically after clearing responses (versus the Correctness tab)!!

    When an instructional designer creates a PE question and adds it to PPT, it seems that the system automatically displays the last-viewed tab at the bottom of the PE slide when ran through in real-time. That means, that if an instructor did a 'dry run' of the presentation to 'practice,' there is a good chance the last-viewed slide is the Correctness tab or answer slide. It would be great if we could add a quick popup upon clearing responses if the system could ask something like, "Would you like to update the last-viewed slide to the Instructions tab and clear…

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    Thank you for the great feedback! We totally understand the pain point here. If you head to Account settings > Activity settings, you'll find the option to set the default to showing instructions vs results. 

    I've shared your feedback internally and we're reviewing the option to add a confirmation message.

  17. Weighted Voting

    Have a way for a delegate's vote to be weighted in situations where one delegate is representing several people's vote as a proxy or maybe the president's vote has more swing so his/ her vote should count as two individual's vote.

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  18. Ability to log me out on all devices

    If I log in on someone elses device - whether in the browser, PowerPoint, etc. - and forget to log out, I'd like the ability to log myself out of anywhere I'm logged in. This would improve data privacy/security as I could remove access to see my polls, and ensure that others aren't using my login for their own purposes.

    This would be similar to Spotify's "Log out of everywhere" option, or Google's "Log out of all sessions" ability.


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  19. Create teams

    For the competitions, could participates select a team they would like to be a part of, or better yet, could I assign participants to specific teams for competitions.

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  20. Add other options to Competition Feature

    Right now you can only use multiple choice in the competition feature. It would be great if you could add in other types like clickable image and any others that could have "correct" answers.

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