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  1. Create teams

    For the competitions, could participates select a team they would like to be a part of, or better yet, could I assign participants to specific teams for competitions.

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  2. In competitions, ability to make questions worth different number of points

    In competitions, instead of each correctly answered question automatically being worth 1000 points, this value should be customizable, so questions can be worth 100, 200, 500, etc points.

    Also, the option of setting incorrectly answered questions as negative points.

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    Thanks for your suggestion. Our current goals are to try to keep Competitions as simple and easy to understand as possible for both the presenter and the audience when it comes to scoring. We have other features in the roadmap for Competitions first but we’ll definitely consider this as interest grows.

  3. Ranking, show percentage of selection

    Ranking, show percentage of selection instead of just 1st, 2nd etc

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  4. Customize the look and feel of the slides contained in a competition (just like the branded response pages)

    Customize the look and feel of the slides contained in a competition (just like the branded response pages)

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  5. Competition - set up for over time, not just for one session

    Can Competition be set up as a loop? This way we can put up the questions on a monitor and people who walk by can answer questions as they please and over time we can see the winner on the leaderboard.

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  6. I am wondering if I can make a shape(ex. animal, tree...) with the keywords from the participants in Word Cloud function.

    Since I saw Pollev, It changed the way I survey.
    My name is Hwain Moon from Korea and I work for a pharmaceutical company.
    I use pollev's word cloud function to get doctors' idea on our product. To tell the truth I am 90% satisfied with the service now.
    But I am wondering if I can make a shape(ex. animal, tree...) with the keywords from the participants in Word Cloud function.
    Best regards,
    Hwain Moon

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  7. Allow students to submit open-ended answers to a question, and then allow the class to choose the correct answer from the submissions

    For those who have played the game Fibbage, this idea will sound familiar, because it's an ingenious way of making classroom quizzes fun.

    I'd love to see a feature where students would be allowed to submit an answer to a question. After all submissions are received, they appear on the screen in addition to the correct answer. Students must select the correct answer from among all of the submissions.

    What makes this a game and much more fun is that kids are encouraged to submit clever (but ultimately incorrect) "fake" answers to try to fool the other students and prevent…

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  8. When I advance past an embedded poll in PowerPoint, deactivate the poll

    Basically what the title says - it's really slick that a poll activates as soon as I move to its slide in PowerPoint, but when I advance to the next slide after the poll, the poll remains active and people may still be responding. I'd like to see it where it's only active while the poll's slide is being presented.

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    This is a tough one. We’ve had a couple other folks ask for this as well. There’s a couple reasons we’ve been reluctant to make this change
    - first, we really want to make sure that the audience is able to reply. Getting that feedback is the core part of our service so we try to be more lenient in that direction vs. harder time restrictions
    - second, it’s fairly common (and easy) for presenters to accidentally skip forward a slide and then go back. And, we don’t want to

    Those are the two big ones. We could add a toggle to switch whether we default to de-activate when you leave a poll slide. However, it’s a lot more complexity and a bit risky for us to maintain two different versions for how Activation works since it is such a core part of our entire workflow.

    So, it’s certainly not…

  9. Allow group members to clear response data

    In academic uses of Poll Everywhere, a lot of instructors have teaching assistants who help them to collaborate and share polls. We use the "groups" feature for this but one thing that TAs do not have access to do with grouped polls that they did not create is clear response data. This would be a great setting, for example, "Allow group members to clear response data for this poll" to enable for groups.

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    I understand completely. Yes. These sorts of Permissions and Collaboration features are really important and can also get complicated for us. The largest issue is just that it varies from presenter to presenter as to whether they want to allow others to do things like Clear Results.

    For now, we are defaulting to prevent other users on the account from clearing or performing any other permanent/destructive actions on another person’s polls.

    We have a few different initiatives in progress that should hopefully begin to address these sorts of issues, however introducing a more complex permissions system is a long project for us.

    So, please stay tuned and thank you very much for the suggestion! We appreciate it and will do our best to post here and keep you all updated as we build more toward a multi-user and collaborative world.

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    Thanks for the feedback! Adding the time element to the Change Answer feature was a tricky decision for us, but was a response to issues we had where participants were interrupting presentations by deleting their responses at moments while the presenter was specifically addressing them.

    I’ll bring this up for our design and engineering team and see what it might take to make that an editable setting. We just always try to strike a balance between simplicity and customization to keep things understandable.

  11. Scale & 100 point questions

    I had to go with for a conference due to not having the question types of scales and 100 points. You guys should check those 2 types out and add them to poll everywhere.

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  12. Editing participant poll answers as a presenter.

    Possible way for presenters to edit participant's poll answers? Often times, participants request a change of Poll answers simply because they selected the incorrect answer for a graded poll or they had technical difficulties trying to access the Poll. I was just wondering if there's already a feature implemented where the presenter can go in and change the participant's answer or even manually enter in a participant's answer.

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    We do not have a way to do this right now. I definitely understand the situation when a participant has legitimate issues and should get a correct score.

    Longer term, I expect that we will create something like this. However, there are some implications around potential cheating and data ownership that just makes it trickier to implement. Mostly this is around editing open ended responses where a bad actor could abuse Poll Everywhere to get a participant in trouble by editing their responses.

    We might be able to do something to edit points/correctness from our reports. Otherwise, for now, I recommend making any necessary edits from wherever you are storing the grades long term.

    Thanks for the idea!

  13. Edit order of groups in the Participants screen

    I'd like to change the ordering of the groups listed on the right side of the Participants screen. Possibly drag them up or down after clicking on the Edit button.

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    Thanks for the suggestion! I actually have never heard of this before, but you are 100% right we do not currently have a way to reorder or customize those at all right now.

    We’re generally trying to move away from drag and drop within the application to better support Tablets and mobile devices. However, I will bring up reordering the list for future enhancements to that page.

    Thanks again!

  14. Adding a feature that allows participants to notified when they are to answer a poll question.

    dding a feature that allows participants to notified when they are to answer a poll question. This could be something like a push notification on the app or an email alert when using the website.

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    This could be possible for us to do with our downloadable mobile application, but gets very tricky for participants that are just using a web browser or text messaging to reply. We’ve also been very hesitant to cause any notification that might cause “buzzing” or other sounds in a large auditorium as it might be very distracting, although I believe there are some ways around that.

    Are most of your participants using the downloadable app or are you looking for something more?

    Thanks for the feedback!

  15. Polls embedded in PowerPoint should save final results

    When I have multiple polls in PowerPoint, after the presentation is done, the results of the last active poll are saved on a slide - because that poll is still considered active. I'd like all the results collected during the presentation to be saved on the slide for each poll so that when I distribute the presentation the static results are show. Simply doing whatever you do with the active poll when the presentation is closed should be applied to the inactive polls too.

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    Thanks for the feedback!

    We do have a way to insert a screenshot with the results into PowerPoint. That would be my recommendation for right now. The tricky part for us is that many presenters like to reuse their decks and they want to have the poll slides always be empty and not show results. It’s a tough tradeoff for us.

    But, here’s how you can insert screenshots with the results without leaving PowerPoint for Windows
    1. in PowerPoint, click on the Poll Everywhere tab in the upper right
    2. then click the arrow icon at the bottom of the Insert button
    3. select Screenshot
    4. click the checkbox for the polls you want to get screenshots for
    5. then click Insert Screenshot

    That will insert separate powerpoint slides with screenshots for the selected polls. You may then move those to the desired spot in your deck before sharing.

  16. Hybrid multiple choice / free text question type

    It would be helpful to have a hybrid multiple choice / free text questions type. E.g. Have 3 multiple choice options and an "Other" free text field

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  17. Hello, it would be convenient if members of a user group could see each others participant groups and that an administrator could set up and

    Hello, it would be convenient if members of a user group could see each others participant groups and that an administrator could set up and enroll participants in the group of other users

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    Interesting idea, I can understand the desire of admins being able to setup or maintain participant groups. Right now, administrators may invite/add participants to an account. And, those participants (students) could then reply to the polls of any presenter on the account as a registered participant. But, Participant Groups are all based on the specific user or presenter.

    It’s certainly possible for us to make some architectural changes around how we store participant groups and the permissions around them, but unfortunately it’s not an easy or quick project. I don’t expect us to create this in the short term unless there’s a lot of interest from the community.

    Thanks for the suggestion though! We appreciate it and will definitely take it under consideration

  18. Allow hyperlink open on a poll

    I wish there is a way to allow live link on a poll page. For example, a instructor wants a student to read an article/watch a video on their own devices. He can create a poll with the link embedded. Currently, I can type in the link in the question or answer box, but the link is deal.

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    Does the instructor want the students to read the article before they reply to the poll or after?

    If it’s before, we’ll need to build something to support this. I’m a little worried if there are any security implications where someone could post a malicious link and I’d need to speak with some of our legal/security folks to make sure that’s okay.

    Otherwise, if the link should be shown after the students reply → we can do that today with our Custom Reply Message. This shows a small notification after the reply has been sent and you can paste a clickable link here.

    For details on the custom reply message:

  19. Resend Participant Invite

    We would like to be able to re-send invitations to imported participants.
    Participants can be sent info to complete their registration through the participant import process, but there is no way to re-send the "complete your registration email" to them once they have been imported.

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  20. "Presenter View" support in PowerPoint

    Is there any way to support presenter view in PowerPoint? I'd love to be able to see one slide ahead instead of just mirroring my presentation when I have my laptop plugged into the projector. Currently the polls display but not in the correct location on the slide...they will be off center or even overlayed on the presenter view screen instead of on the slideshow.

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    Well, this is tough. Presenter View is not specifically supported, however we do usually work with it. We do have a workaround setting that we can apply if you are using PowerPoint for Mac. If that’s the case, please contact us at and we can walk you through our “Force Monitor” feature.

    Unfortunately, we do not currently have a similar workaround for Windows. I opened a request with our Windows Slideware team to investigate if there’s something we could do as a workaround in the short-term. Otherwise, Microsoft does not have Presenter View available in the API (integration format) that we use. So, for us to fully with Presenter View we’ll need to do some reverse engineering to figure out what kind of math the Microsoft engineers are using here. Which is just tough for us.

    I’ll see what the team thinks and try to get another update on…

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