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  1. In the system, allow one to change the Response text font size in an open ended activity independently from the Title text size

    In the system, allow one to change the Response text font size in an open ended activity independently from the Title text size. Jeff Aiken

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  2. Wrap text with LaTeX formatting

    Text with LaTeX formatting does not wrap in all areas and sometimes scales down to fit on a single line. Specifically, response options do not wrap.

    This results in readability issues due to the small text size.

    Enabling wrapping for LaTeX text in all areas will improve readability and consistency across the product.

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    Hello and thank you for your submission! We are in the process of releasing our visual chart redesign. We will be addressing LaTex wrapping with this release. For now as a workaround I would recommend changing the font size to a smaller size in order for it to fit within the screen. Thank you again for providing this feedback and please do not hesitate to reach out if there is anything else we can do to help. 

  3. Performance (score) notifications emailed to participants.

    Overall (or % correct) score for a session (day) sent to individual email addresses of participants. In my educational application of PollEv, it would be very helpful since the students must receive feedback on their performance in each assessment AND individual scores can be revealed only to the recipients and not their classmates.

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  4. Allow upvotes only on individual Q&A activities

    Giving presenters the ability to "only allow upvotes" on individual Q&A activities will allow them to make the best decision based on the question prompt and their audience.

    Currently, "Only allow upvotes on Q&A activities" is an account-level setting that disables the downvote function on all Q&A activities. The impact is overly broad and limits presenter and participant functionality.

    Presenters are in the best position to determine when to disable downvotes based on the context and content of their individual activities.

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  5. Video integration (ability to play videos alongside questions)

    Video integration is useful in a learning application of activities. It creates an enhanced user experience and keeps the Poll Everywhere application competitive with other tools offered.

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  6. Being able to pull the report for a certain timeframe (not intuitive)

    Being able to pull the report for a certain timeframe (not intuitive)
    Adding the option to pull the report for a certain timeframe under the report menu , since getting to them by choosing Archive to find them first is not intuitive.

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  7. Creation of templated polls and quick starts

    Since Poll Everywhere are considered polling experts, it would be helpful to people who are not as proficient in poll writing to have a set of common polls available that could be copied/edited. This would be a time saver and value-add for that customer group. Examples might be a sample 360, a customer survey, an fun competition. Some competitors offer this and it's a nice added-value feature to have.

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  8. Port WebExtension to Firefox web browser

    Firefox is not the most popular browser, but a lot of users still using it. Will be good to have an extension for it too, to not switch always to Chrome to show the presentation.

    And Firefox supports the same WebExtensions API as Google Chrome browser, so the porting should not be too hard.

    Here is some info about porting:

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  9. Allow putting elements over the poll in Google Slides presentation

    Now we can put elements over the poll in Google Slides presentation in design mode, but they disappears in the presentation mode. Can you fix this and allow putting the elements over the poll widget?

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  10. Allow resize poll area in Google Slides presentation

    Now the poll element always fill the full area of the page. Even if I decrease the size of the poll object, it still appears as a full page in the presentation mode, stretching itself to the full screen.

    Will be good to match the configured size of the poll area and place the rendered widget only in this area, keeping all other page elements visible.

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  11. Add short numeric codes to polls

    Now to vote people should type a pretty long alphanumeric url, like "" in my case.

    Will be good to give ability to just open your website ( and type a short numeric alias for this poll, eg 155873 - it's much easier to dictate and type, than alphanumeric string.

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  12. Default the PPT presentation back to the Instructions tab automatically after clearing responses (versus the Correctness tab)!!

    When an instructional designer creates a PE question and adds it to PPT, it seems that the system automatically displays the last-viewed tab at the bottom of the PE slide when ran through in real-time. That means, that if an instructor did a 'dry run' of the presentation to 'practice,' there is a good chance the last-viewed slide is the Correctness tab or answer slide. It would be great if we could add a quick popup upon clearing responses if the system could ask something like, "Would you like to update the last-viewed slide to the Instructions tab and clear…

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    Thank you for the great feedback! We totally understand the pain point here. If you head to Account settings > Activity settings, you'll find the option to set the default to showing instructions vs results. 

    I've shared your feedback internally and we're reviewing the option to add a confirmation message.

  13. Display Multiple Choice Results in Slack Thread

    Poll Everywhere would be a better experience in Slack if Multiple Choice activity results were displayed in a Thread post - similar to Polly, so users are not redirected to a separate web page outside of Slack.

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  14. Fix Bug in Text Wall Display - Creeping Slow Display of Responses

    The new visual settings for free text response polls require a choice among text wall, word cloud, and spotlight. Questions created before the change don't have a selection and seem to default to spotlight. Both spotlight and text wall display responses at a creeping slow pace that is unusable. Setting the effect speed to highest makes no difference to this problem. Explicitly selecting text wall or spotlight also doesn't improve the display speed. Please restore something akin to the prior quick display of responses on a text wall as the default!

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  15. Add error messages!

    I found I was unable to put <b> (the correct answer) as a response and save my competition. While the support team was great and got back to me quickly, there should really be an notification on screen that what I'm trying is not allowed; instead of just having the page not to anything at all when I click save 40 times!

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  16. Allow users to copy questions to surveys and competitions

    The tool can be easier to use if users can import questions into surveys and competitions. Currently, you can move questions into a folder and then convert the folder into a survey. However, this is limited. Sometimes, instructors want to check students' understanding with individual activities throughout the course. But maybe later they want to check students' understanding with a review activity (a survey or competition). Based on my current understanding, the data will be kept. This can cause confusion and issues with reporting. Thank you!

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  17. For multiple choice, there should be a gradebook report option to count multiple correct answers.

    For multiple choice, there should be a gradebook report option to actually count multiple correct answers. Currently, if someone chooses any correct answer, they get a point awarded, and if they choose two correct answers, they still just get one point awarded. But it makes more sense to have an option (maybe through a tick-box on the question itself) that multiple correct answers should aggregate scores. So if there are two correct answers, each worth one point, someone who chooses just one should get one point, but someone who chooses both should get two points. (This should also come with…

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  18. Fix bug in Powerpoint for Win Plugin

    Please fix the bug introduced on Windows 11 in the latest plugin - the "presented" poll is bigger than the slide. You can also simply resize it but that's a ton of work across multiple slide decks that will have to be redone if this is fixed in the next update. You can also follow this workaround for the times you are presenting:

    Neither is a good solution, please fix the bug.

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  19. Poll response layout: Increase number of responses on screen by moving the voting "thumbs"

    Move voting "thumbs" to side to allow more results on the screen at one time. The current (new) format displays the response as a tile with the "voting thumbs" underneath the response text. This effectively halves the number of responses that can be displayed. Please give the option to have the voting thumbs moved to the same line as a the response or simply revert to the old format which allowed more responses to be displayed at one time.

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    Hello and thank you for your feedback! I will be taking this back to our team for review. I did want to let you know that there is a there is a scrolling feature that allows you to view more responses, but I will still let our team know about your concerns. Thank you again for your submission! 

  20. Automatic DEactivation of final poll question on PowerPoint slide advance, and greater flexibility for automatic deactivation

    It would be extremely helpful if there were an option to deactivate a poll question upon advancing to the next non-poll slide in a PowerPoint presentation, without exiting presenter mode. (Currently a poll only deactivates if the next slide is also a poll; that means the final poll is left active if no intentional action is taken.) That way I wouldn't have to remember to manually lock the last poll before moving onto the next (non-poll) slide of my PowerPoint, thus reducing the number of moving parts I have to think about when teaching/presenting. It's an entirely common-sense suggestion, and…

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