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337 results found

  1. Academic Pricing

    Academic Pricing for poor teachers

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  2. Mapping responses

    Geographic maps. Questions could ask respondents where they are from, for example, and highlight responses on the map.

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    You can do this now! We have a Clickable Image poll type that will allow you to upload an image, such as a map of the USA, and ask respondents to mark where they are from. Their responses will display as Pins on the display and you can see it.

    Here’s how:
    1. click on red Create Poll button
    2. Select Clickable Image along the left side
    3. then upload your own image or choose one of our pre-loaded ones
    4. And, present your poll!

    *note – clickable image polls are web only. We do not accept text message responses

  3. Keep grouped polls at the top

    Please give me an option to keep grouped polls at the top of the list where I create them. Currently, I create my polls and they show up at the top of my list of polls. Then I group them and they automatically go to the bottom. Then I have to go all the way to the bottom to name the group and then I have to move the group all the way back to the top for easy access. It would be much better if it just stayed at the top.

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  4. visual settings help instructions

    how can i change the visual settings on my chart... i can't see the "visual settings" icon you mention in your instructions, which says to go to the top right corner of my screen. (yes, i clicked on the poll i'm trying to change.)

    oh, i had to call to your support and found the answer now... but you should change the help instructions... some of them refer to a gear icon which doesn't exist, and i don't think any of them mention that it is a feather icon, nor do they mention that it is in the middle/right side…

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  5. marking correct answer during a presentation

    My students complete a poll for homework. However, as I am presenting a poll during class, I would like to be able to mark a multiple choice answer as correct WITHOUT having to go into edit mode. (Say, click on √ and then click on the correct answer?) At the current time, I either lose the dramatic effect of the live poll during class b/c students already know if their answer is correct or b/c I have to go into edit mode in the middle of the presentation.

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    You can mark the Toggle Correctness button while you remain in full screen presentation mode. The basics is that you would enable grading on the poll ahead of time. Then during the presentation if you hover your mouse over the right side of the screen the grey control buttons will appear. You can then click the Checkmark to show the correct answer.

    We also have some keyboard shortcuts you can use while your presenting if you want to get really fancy. You can read about them here:

    Hope this helps!

  6. Rearranging polls within a group

    When I am rearranging the polls within a group, it is terribly frustrating that it jumps me to the top of my list of group with a message under each one that the group has to be expanded in order to drag to a poll to it. The page should not jump and I should be able to drag/drop by polls within a group without having to scroll back down to the group.

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    This is FIXED! Our very own Brad Lindsey worked over the weekend and knocked a problem we thought would take much longer.

    If you go to rearrange a poll now, none of the groups will immediately expand. If you drag the poll over a collapsed group and pause for a few seconds, the group will expand and allow you to drop the poll there.

  7. international language support

    Hi there,

    Our teachers love using Poll everywhere but not all of them are bilingual.. Any plans to have it in different languages? We will be happy to help with Turkish and French translation / localization.

    Many thanks,
    Metin Ferhatoglu
    Director of Technology
    American Robert College

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  8. Rotating display of text responses

    With a large number of text responses, it would be nice if they didn't just scroll off the display, but somehow rotated.

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  9. Reporting capabilities

    Better reporting capabilities! Downloading results, or breaking results into audience segments is hard.

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  10. Edit poll titles from "My Polls" page

    Edit poll titles from "My Polls" page

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  11. Copy multiple polls at once

    Copy multiple polls at once

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  12. 6 votes

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  13. Canvas w/Polleverywhere

    Integrate with Canvas if you haven't already?!

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  14. Nicer themed slides

    nicer themed slides

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  15. Audience Question Selection & Launch

    Allow the audience to post questions and then let a selected question be thrown out to the audience for response.

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  16. latex and images combined -- also survey view??

    Question images don't show in survey view? Latex not possible for questions in any view? Also, would like to have the ability to ask questions like
    <instructions, written in text> latex: <formula>


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    We got it! You can now have inline LaTeX in the title of the poll question, in the answer choices, and they will display on the pollev web response page (including surveys) for your students.

    You can use the TeX shorthand of $$ to enter your equation.

    1. click the Create Poll button
    2. Type your question $$ your equation in LaTeX $$ the rest of your question
    3. click Create and you are done

    You can see detailed instructions and screenshots for how here:

    Remember to start your question or answer option with “$$:” so we know to convert it properly.

  17. Multi-national participants in a live event

    Easier ways for participants from multiple countries to participate in a live polling event, by using one simplified number

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    Unfortunately, there is not really a great way to do this for SMS messaging. We do have several Regional phone numbers that your audience may use which will work for a collection of countries. However, these numbers are based in the USA, UK, and Australia so anyone who is using a phone that is not based in those locations may get charged an international text messaging fee depending on the cell phone’s service plan (this is not a fee controlled by Poll Everywhere). These regional numbers are available and you can read more about them here if you are interested:

    Otherwise, we really highly recommend multi-national audiences use our web response method. This is free for all participants to use and will work anywhere in the world provided they have an internet enabled device or data plan.

  18. Clear poll results from PPT slideshow

    Please add the ability to clear the poll results from the PowerPoint presentation... and the ability to cut off the responses. For example, a button to click when Q&A time is over so that people can't keep texting in responses.

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    Hey Jane – we already have both of these! Hover your mouse over the right hand side of the PowerPoint slide and you can lock the poll to stop new responses from coming in, and even clear the results. It works exactly the same as it does on the website with the icons that you can click. Let me know if you have questions and I can send you a screenshot.


  19. online components

    option to use for face to face class polls, but then have an equivalent (or similar poll for online students

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  20. Math Formatting with LaTeX in Poll Questions

    Allow math formatting with LaTeX in poll questions. Although PollEverywhere currently supports this type of formatting in the answer choices, it would be very helpful to also be able to do so in the poll questions themselves.

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    We got it! You can now have inline LaTeX in the title of the poll question, in the answer choices, and they will display on the pollev web response page for your students.

    You can use the TeX shorthand of $$ to enter your equation.

    1. click the Create Poll button
    2. Type your question $$ your equation in LaTeX $$ the rest of your question
    3. click Create and you are done

    You can see detailed instructions and screenshots for how here:

    Remember to start your question or answer option with “$$:” so we know to convert it properly.

Educators' Ideas


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