visual settings help instructions
how can i change the visual settings on my chart... i can't see the "visual settings" icon you mention in your instructions, which says to go to the top right corner of my screen. (yes, i clicked on the poll i'm trying to change.)
oh, i had to call to your support and found the answer now... but you should change the help instructions... some of them refer to a gear icon which doesn't exist, and i don't think any of them mention that it is a feather icon, nor do they mention that it is in the middle/right side of the page, not the top right corner. Hope that helps.
So sorry about the trouble with the Visual Settings menu! We did recently change it from a “gear” icon to a “Paintbrush” icon. This will be the top grey control button on the top right side of the poll display.
You can see everything the visual settings menu can do on this new video we have here: