enter pictures as questions
What is missing in the picture?
What is the sum (difference)? In the arithmetic of binary numbers it is better to ask students in the formal way (the numbers aligned on top of each other)
Great news! We now support images as well as sub and superscripts (using LaTex) on Multiple Choice Poll options. More info here: http://blog.polleverywhere.com/its-what-you-wanted-image-support-math-equati
Thank you for your patience and enjoy!
Hi Bahar,
I think this is a great idea, especially with math equations. We are working on integrating La Tex support for entering equations. Also, have you tired setting a background image for your poll? To do this hover over a live chart and click 'visual settings' (gear icon). Here you will find a menu that allows you to set a background image on the poll.
Here's an example of a user created question with an image:
http://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/MjAxOTM2MDQzOQHappy polling!