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  1. Team-based quiz games

    Easier team-based game functionality would be great!

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  2. You should be able to incorporate video or audio clips from file or YouTube

    show/play video or audio example and then ask students to pick answers based on what they are seeing/hearing on the clip. This would be great for assessment training. For example play an audio clip of lung sounds. Students then need to choose if they are hearing wheezes, crackles, stridor, or clear lung sounds.

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  3. Poll Export

    CSV import/export of poll questions. Or any way to export poll questions at all.

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    Thanks for the feedback all. There are a few different workarounds that might work for you all, but we don’t have anything explicitly for this.

    We do have a CSV importer to import poll questions. You can read about that here:

    For students who missed class or just for generally sharing the content: I recommend either our Bulk Screenshot tool or maybe printing out an Executive Summary report.
    - the bulk screenshot tool will take screenshots of up to 10 polls that can then be shared via email or any other way that works for you. To do this: Go to the Polls page → select the polls you want → Click the grey Download button at the top → select Screenshots.

    For exporting to CSV for records or internal purposes, I recommend using our Pivot Response Table report and then exporting that to CSV. That will create…

  4. Allow Credit/No Credit Responses

    Students enjoy the text wall and word cloud options, but currently cannot get points for them. Having a way to assign credit for responses given, without limiting students to specific words, would be a marked improvement to PollEverywhere's functionality. Making the innovative response patterns Credit/No Credit would really motivate and innovate the classroom.

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    This is interesting. Right now we do give a Participation Score with our Gradebook report that will give credit to students who respond to our Open Ended Poll like Word Cloud and Text Wall. However, our LMS integrations with Blackboard and Canvas do not send this participation score. They only receive the Correctness score. I suspect this is what is happening for you all.

    I have opened up a request with our Integrations Team to look into the difficulty/complexity to send a “grade” for our open ended polls. We have to check with Blackboard and Canvas to find the best way to send this information.

    Does that sound like it’s describing your situation?

  5. images in polls, in other formats

    Add a figure (in different formats such as .pdf, .docx, or .pptx) to a poll

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  6. 20 votes

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  7. signal to close poll

    An indicator when over 95% of participants have polled in (allowing an initial poll to set baseline for session).

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    We do have a setting to “Show total results” which will show the total number of responses you have received for an individual poll question. It will be displayed on the bottom right of the chart. You can use this to get a count of responses and then chose to move on when it hits an amount. To show the total results on the chart:
    Click the Paintbrush icon to open visual settings menu > select Show total results at the bottom of that menu.

    Would it be enough for us to allow you to preset an amount and when the “Total Results” nears or hits this number we provide some alert on the chart to notify the presenter?

    I’m hesitant to have us try and guess when a poll question has received all of the responses that it will receive. We do not want to try and control the…

  8. Show participants as they respond

    Have two views. A presenter view and an audience view. I would like to leave the response chart up for my students to see while they are answering the question, but I also want to see who has answered and who has not. The way it is now I have to have my account open on two screens. One to run the poll and display out and one to show me which of my registered participants has responded. There is an app called eClicker that does this. It will show who has responded real time, but it lacks the response…

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  9. Keep questions from appearing in User's response history (tests)

    We would like to give graded Tests & Quizzes using the Survey feature. Our concern however is that the responses then show to the students/users in their response history. This could help them in future tests to see what they said previously.

    Maybe this feature could be when the question is created, with a check box that says "restrict question and answer from showing in user's response history"

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    We actually just released something very similar, although it does not go as far as you suggested. Our new feature will allow you to hide the Correct Answer from a student’s response history. So, while they will know what they selected previously, it does not let them know if they were correct. You can see some more details for this here:

    I’m hesitant to hide the full question and answer however. It’s common for student’s to accidentally register under a personal email address and this response history is the only way we have to rectify the situation. We also have a number of faculty who promote using the Response History for studying and reviewing for exams.

    Do you think hiding the correct answer is enough or would more restriction help?

  10. Easy assignment of segregation and marking options.

    Easier ways to apply things like segregation of enabling grading to slide results (clicking checkboxes and applying it to al selections, etc.)

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  11. Set criteria for correct answers for open-ended responses

    I would like to ask my participants "fill-in-the-blanks" questions, for which there is only one right answer, but it seems my only choice is to manually code their responses later as correct or incorrect. What a hassle! Moreover, it's a pity I can't show the poll totals (e.g. 64% said "hablo", 30% said "habla", and 6% said "hable"). Even surveygizmo has a way to report patterns in open-ended responses... I really hope you incorporate this feature soon! Then you truly will be better than the iClicker.

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  12. Improve Grading for Multiple Polls at One Time

    Create an easier user interface for grading multiple polls on one page with the option to give a unique number of points for various answers (both incorrect and correct) without having to click on each individual poll and change the response grading from there.

    I grade all of the polling questions at the end of the week, and there can be 20+ polls for each section that I'm responsible for. Having to click on each polling question and changing the grade values for each possible response is tedious and is prone to having me make grading mistake on my end…

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    We are actually working on a large project right now that should really help with grading polls. We are basically working on re-doing our entire poll creation process (and we’re finally close enough to talk about it).

    This will have greater customization and editing for poll questions at the creation stage (including grading). I do not believe this is currently slated to include increased support to our Weighted Grading feature ( – which is currently in beta testing. But, this should be an easier process soon

    I will update this post when we are about to send out the new update

  13. Realtime Line Graph

    I would like to see a feature on PollEverywhere that allows a progressive poll throughout a class period, which shows up as a line graph.

    For instance, I may ask a question at the beginning of the class, and students answer. Some may change their minds as the lesson progresses and we read more of our book, so I could take another poll with the same question. Then again at the end of class. We could discuss how opinions change based on perspective.

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    Interesting idea! Instead of a Line Graph – do you think it would work for you if we instead have Grouped Bar Charts, so you can compare before/after?

    This was you would have two bars of different colors to compare the before/after responses for each of the answer choices to a multiple choice poll. It would not let you pinpoint the exact time the students changed their minds > but it does give you a very easy/quick way to compare how their choices changed from the beginning vs end of a lesson. It would look something like this:

    What do you think?

  14. increase the character limit for questions

    Some poll questions may have a longer stem than 250 characters; can you create a new template that allows for longer questions? thanks

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  15. 17 votes

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  16. Student-to-instructor channel

    It would be helpful to have a way for students to submit questions to the instructor in a way that allows the instructor to see who asked the question. The student question would by default NOT be visible to everyone, but the instructor could choose to make it visible in the system. Ideally, there would also be options to respond either directly to the student, or post a response to the entire group through the system.

    The open-ended polls can be used for this, but I'd like to be able to have this option without launching a poll. (Also, I've…

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  17. confidence questioning

    The ability for students to state their level of confidence with respect to the answer they give to a question.

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  18. email participants scores

    I'm using the survey view to administer quizzes. I'd like a way to automatically give each student their personal score. Best would be if in response to submitting the quiz they get their score. But I'd also like a way to set up an email to mail them - if I have to score some open ended questions.

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    Hi Binyomin,

    Thanks for using Poll Everywhere!

    This is an interesting idea! It’d certainly be really helpful. I’ve added this to the list of features we’re going to be discussing soon (we have these feature discussions a lot). I’ve attached your email address to it, so when we do implement it, we’ll let you know!

    Thanks for the feedback!

  19. Pictures with text caption as answers

    Mixed-format possible answers, e.g., a figure with its caption. I would find it useful to both show something to be chosen, and display a small text with some extra info for each picture/answer.

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    This has come up in some of our recent conversations about web-accessibility and the need to add captions/text for accessibility to uploaded images. There are still some outstanding questions for this, specifically with the best way to display this on the visual chart. There’s just limited available space.

    - Would you want the text to be displayed over the image or separated? Or, would it matter for you?

    Thanks for the idea!

    Product Manager of Poll Everywhere

  20. Shared on Google Classroom

    Google Classroom
    I wish that it could be shared with Google Classroom, now that it works with Google Slides. Then, I could post a Poll Everywhere assignment that my students could answer in the evenings or on weekends.

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    We are working on a big expansion to our Survey View feature which will allow for asynchronous polling/surveys that might work for you. Basically you could post a link to a survey quiz for the students to take as homework. We’ll have a big release for it when it’s available and hopefully this will work for you.

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