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  1. Duplicate activity from edit page (currently only available in activity list)

    As far as I can tell you are only able to duplicate an activity from the main groups and activities list (available when you click POLLS from the main menu). It would be helpful if you were able to duplicate an activity from the open activity page (where you save the activity). Example, for an election, you run the activity full screen and show results, now you have to remove some of the options and run it again (and again, and again until there is a winner). It is easier to track the order of polls taken by duplicating the…

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  2. Increase font size range on word clouds

    The current appearance seems to have 4 different font sizes in the word cloud. When an idea has 30 matches and others are only at 4 or 5, a MUCH larger font size would better represent that, contrasting the smaller ones. Even a range of 8 sizes would be a significant improvement to determine popularity in a given data set. Ideally I would like a range of 12 or more.

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  3. Please have boxes in PowerPoint slides more efficiently use space to accommodate more text

    We frequently pose exam-like questions, which have significant question text, and sometimes significant answer foil text. These are exam-like and thus are very popular with students when we present them live using PollEverywhere. Instructors get to address misconceptions and answer questions in real time, using exam-quality questions to simulate the discussion. Because PollEverywhere limits titles to 255 characters, we use slide text to pose the question, and then minimize the PollEverywhere content. This has worked well for years, but the new display format has broken this.
    Note on the attached figure that foils fail to wrap, wasting space below. Using…

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  4. Downloading Screenshots or Slides that display all responses from an activity

    There doesn't seem to be a way to download screenshots or slides with all of the responses appearing on the screen. In the past, I have been able to save screenshots with all responses to an activity to share them back with teams. Current screenshots of activities do not display all of the responses on the screen, and do not seem to be able to fit the responses with the new layouts. I attached 2 screenshots...the first is a screenshot of an activity with 12 responses...the screenshot only displayed one response using the new layout. The second screenshot is from…

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    Thank you so much for your submission! I reached out to our Product Team about this and they let me know that Open-Ended activities can be tricky for downloading screenshots. The best recommendation I can make is to use Word Cloud or another activity type if you know you will want to download a screenshot. I would also recommend avoiding the Text Wall or Spotlight visual settings when downloading a screenshot. I hope this helps but please do not hesitate to reach back out if you have any additional questions!

  5. Eliminate need for space between 2-word answers in word clouds

    Students often forget to put the space between multi-word responses in word clouds. Then the words in their responses get separated. It would be amazing if you could update the tool to keep multi-word responses together.

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  6. improve "recent presentations" on

    As students, it'd be helpful to see more than 3 "recent presentations" so that we can access frequent professors faster

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  7. Add Back Button to LiveSlides PowerPoint add-in

    LiveSlides doesn't have a back button but it needs one! This would allow someone to be able to follow a hyperlink on a website but still get back to the original webpage. Without it, I can't figure out how to get back.

    I'd like to use LiveSlides within a self-guided PowerPoint to flip the classroom, and I want students to be able to do a simple research project but easily move forward with the presentation when they are finished.

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  8. When I'm answering a Q&A question, mark which items I've already upvoted or downvoted

    When I'm answering a Q&A question, mark which items I've already upvoted or downvoted so I can more easily work through the list. It's also hard to understand (and explain to others) what the numbers are on the left. Perhaps a label at the top of that column would help.

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    Sorry, I’m not sure I fully understand. After you up/downvote on a response to a Q&A poll → the up/down arrow should turn from white to a dark blue to indicate that you have voted. Is this not happening for you or not what you have in mind?

    The numbers along the left is the “Net score” or “Net votes” which tallies the +1 and -1 votes and gives it’s overall value. I haven’t heard much confusion with the Net Score being unclear, however we will definitely test it with some folks and if we hear from more people we will add some more labeling. We’re always hesitant to add more words to clutter up the response page, but it’s important to be clear.

    Thanks for the feedback!

  9. Reverse display order for open-ended responses

    We use open-ended responses to collect questions for executive town halls. It would be great if we could reverse the order and new responses/questions would be added at the bottom instead of the top.

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  10. Editing participant poll answers as a presenter.

    Possible way for presenters to edit participant's poll answers? Often times, participants request a change of Poll answers simply because they selected the incorrect answer for a graded poll or they had technical difficulties trying to access the Poll. I was just wondering if there's already a feature implemented where the presenter can go in and change the participant's answer or even manually enter in a participant's answer.

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    We do not have a way to do this right now. I definitely understand the situation when a participant has legitimate issues and should get a correct score.

    Longer term, I expect that we will create something like this. However, there are some implications around potential cheating and data ownership that just makes it trickier to implement. Mostly this is around editing open ended responses where a bad actor could abuse Poll Everywhere to get a participant in trouble by editing their responses.

    We might be able to do something to edit points/correctness from our reports. Otherwise, for now, I recommend making any necessary edits from wherever you are storing the grades long term.

    Thanks for the idea!

  11. Could we go back to the icon feature instead of labels on the right side of ppt presentation?

    Icon is cleaner. Label tends to cover the contents on the power point.

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    We have been keeping a close eye for feedback on this change. We have generally seen that most people appear to be reassured with the labels as the icons weren’t always as clear for folks.

    That said, I definitely understand the desire to not cover up the chart more. We definitely plan on more tweaks to those labels/buttons in the near future to be a cleaner and more beautiful experience.

    Thanks for the feedback! We appreciate it

  12. I am wondering if I can make a shape(ex. animal, tree...) with the keywords from the participants in Word Cloud function.

    Since I saw Pollev, It changed the way I survey.
    My name is Hwain Moon from Korea and I work for a pharmaceutical company.
    I use pollev's word cloud function to get doctors' idea on our product. To tell the truth I am 90% satisfied with the service now.
    But I am wondering if I can make a shape(ex. animal, tree...) with the keywords from the participants in Word Cloud function.
    Best regards,
    Hwain Moon

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  13. Percentage breakdown of combination of answer choices

    In MCQs, where multiple choices are correct, breakdown of individual choices is given. It would be great if % of the responses for particular combination would be shown.

    For eg. if one person voted for A and B choices, and the other person voted for B & C, the breakdown provided is for
    A - 50%
    C-50 %
    It would be nice to have % breakdown of all possible combinations.
    (A,B) - 50%
    (B,C) - 50%

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  14. Would it be possible to have a sticky note response in the future?

    When students respond, their answer shows up as a sticky note on the screen. Like Jamboard but in Jamboard students have the ability to change other students answers. I think you have a much better product and this would be a great response idea for students!

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  15. Could BOLD be an option in the Title Line

    Add the option for BOLD text as part of the Title Line text

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  16. pollev app for Zoom marketplace

    Several other mobile polling apps are now available as apps in the Zoom marketplace, but I can't find pollev there. It would be very useful if poll everywhere would also create an app so that polls, etc. could be completed from within the Zoom meeting!

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  17. Answers in multiple choice with Latex parts are shown in much larger font. Why?

    Why do answers in multiple choice questions with latex ($$ text $$) parts show up in much larger fonts? There seems to be no way to control that. I notice that, in your online instructions for using latex to do math at, the resulting displayed question has the same problem - the font size for answers with latex is much bigger. Very distracting.

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  18. Add Activities to Reports

    Add the ability to add an activity to a report. To streamline using Poll Everywhere to take attendance, if I could create one report for attendance and then add my new attendance activity to the report and update the report.

    Currently, the only way we found to make this work was to create a folder with all attendance activities for the entire semester. However, this ends up showing students as failing because the percentage is taking into account all of the activities - even those never run.

    I'd like a simple way to take attendance and sync it to my…

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  19. Allow upvotes only on individual Q&A activities

    Giving presenters the ability to "only allow upvotes" on individual Q&A activities will allow them to make the best decision based on the question prompt and their audience.

    Currently, "Only allow upvotes on Q&A activities" is an account-level setting that disables the downvote function on all Q&A activities. The impact is overly broad and limits presenter and participant functionality.

    Presenters are in the best position to determine when to disable downvotes based on the context and content of their individual activities.

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  20. Please expand the character limitation.

    I use Poll Everywhere during clinical medical lectures using question stems that are occasionally lengthy. This is not possible with the existing character limit and there is no other good solution to get around this.

    What gives? Just remove the character limit and let us figure out the space issues. So many people have asked for this.

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