allow multiple answers for multiple choice questions
Multiple answer questions (i.e. respondents can pick MORE THAN ONE answer from a multiple choice question)
Duplicate responses are now disabled by default! Learn more about “Select all that apply” here:
Matthew Schrader commented
This still does not address the problem that many users have. For me specifically, I want to be able to model AP style "select 2 answers" multiple choice questions. There should simply be an activity type specifically for multiple select. Even Zoom polling has this, don't see why PE can't do it.
C Breider commented
Seems like a fail. Wish I would have known before I paid.
If this is an intentional move by polleverywhere, it would be helpful to for users to hear why.
I literally just spent 45 minutes searching for how to do this because I couldn't imagine a polling app without this feature. -
ss1110 commented
Please improve this feature. It is very annoying that people cannot select multiple responses at once.
Paul commented
I agree that this poor implementation of Multiple Select is a deal breaker for me. I cannot use Poll Everywhere for my classroom polls without it.
Denise commented
Is the ability to provide two selections from multiple choice options on a question in effect yet? This response is from 2018.
Andrzej commented
Is it still impossible to create multiple choice questions?
Kat commented
Unfortunately this means that each answer a person selects is counted as a separate "response" for billing purposes, which drastically reduces the number of people who can participate in a poll. like if you had 10 choices and a person selected all 10, they would be counted as though they are 10 different participants.
Anonymous commented
This would be a very useful feature for poll everywhere surveys. Multiple choice questions should have the ability to select multiple answers but only once per answer, per participant. I cannot use Poll Everywhere without this feature as it would limit or skew our data.
Cathy commented
I need this option as well. None of the poll types I can find, as well as any option on a MC poll, allow choosing more than 1 answer (e.g., if 3 of the 5 choices are correct AND I want them to choose all 3).
Anonymous commented
Apparently this basic feature is not available.
You cannot have an open question for which people could select multiple response. You can try to bypass this weakness by changing number of time people can answer but that is not ideal and not really answer our needs. -
klevesque commented
Thanks--but this doesn't quite do what I want. As I now understand it, if I now set it so that respondents can answer four times, they could choose the SAME answer four times. That is not just not helpful to me; it creates a different kind of problem. I want respondents to be able to select one or more options, but only a maximum of once EACH. So, for example, if the question were "What team item do you want for field hockey," and the answers were hoodie, sweatpants, shorts, and winter hat, I would want players to be able to select between one and all of the answers--but NOT be able to vote for "winter hat" four times. Does that make sense? Please enable this feature. (It has much more important applications in say, approval voting, that are important to my institution.)
Anonymous commented
Can we please get specific information for this question? I cannot seem to find the answer in the link. Also, on slack I see that polls can re-occur, but do not see any option to allow for multiple answers at one time.