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Educators' Ideas

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  1. Allow a "test mode" for audience device displays

    The ability to change the display on audience devices so that it's not obvious which answer was selected. It's almost impossible to not see what others have selected on their device. My work around suggestion was to force texting only for quizzes. Our faculty have observed rampant cheating on quizzes, especially in classrooms with raked seating. Apparently it's very interesting to watch from the back of the room and see the answers flow from the from to the back of the room.

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    This is tough. My suggestion as a workaround for you all would be to use our multi-page Survey features for your quizzes in class. On these surveys when you submit a response > the student will be taken to the next question in the survey/quiz instead of leaving the question displayed until the professor/teacher moves to the next question.

    Otherwise, this is a tough balance for us to fight against cheating and also abide by accessibility guidelines to allow students to know what they selected.

    I’ll pass this along to some of our design team and see if they can think of anything clever we can do to satisfy both of these needs

  2. Integrate with webinar services

    Easy integration with webinar services. Maybe code or the like.

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    What sort of integration are you thinking of? I know some webinar services have some basic multiple choice polling where you can ask the attendees a quick multiple choice question within the webinar app. Are you thinking of something similar with Poll Everywhere?

    Or, something entirely different! Let us know

  3. PowerPoint DataSheets

    I would like a live poll, activated through PowerPoint, could publish some data back into a DataSheet in PowerPoint. I run into this is a class where I want to use demographic data to sort my results and display them as a combine graph.
    I have been able to do this with Turning Point. I can get this data from reports, I just want it to be fed back live to my PPT.

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  4. Allow full LaTeX for more than just equations

    i.e., allow more than just limited / simple LaTeX

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  5. Darken Screen After Responding

    Redesign the user screen so that answers aren’t displayed more than a few seconds, and in a small box on computers. Our lecturers ask students to poll in with their individual response, then discuss with a neighbor and poll in again. With the large computer screens displaying student answers, there is no need for discussion as students will just look off of their neighbor's screen. This is a negative for our classes and it changes the way our lecturers teach, and gives cause to minimize the use of polling.

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    That’s an interesting use case. I can understand why this would be helpful in a “lab” type setting. The way you describe it, to have the screen darken after a few seconds, would go against our accessibility guidelines for ADA compliance. We might be able to get by this with an “opt-in” feature that you could select. I would need to ask our design team if they have any ideas

    One thing, have you tried our multi-page survey features at all? It’s designed for a more asynchronous teaching style to let students answer questions at their own pace. However, it does let them answer a question > click Next > and this takes them to the next poll question in the survey. At this point the students could discuss in pairs/groups about the question they just answered and then make adjustments/comments in a followup question. You can see a bit…

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    I haven’t heard of Entrada before, but we can certainly check it out. We’re always interested in more LMS integrations. If they support LTI 2.0 then there’s a good shot that we’ll be able to work with Entrada in the future

    Thanks for the idea!

    - Poll Everywhere Product Manager

  7. Presenters would like to be able to Password protect their polling sessions

    This idea was brought to my attention by an educator. The idea is derived from the desire to ensure that students are present in class before participating. One easy way to do this is to apply a simple password or key required to access the presenter's response page.

    My initial idea is to integrate this into the user settings, in the Poll Settings of the Personal Info page.

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  8. Different participant ID's for two (or more) presenter's under one account

    Two different professors at my university are using a polleverywhere account registered under the university's account for classes. The problem is that they each want me to use a different method of identification, but under the university's account I can only pick one special ID which ends up used for both, rather than a separate ID for each professor (unless I'm mistaken).

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    You are not mistaken. We currently have it, so that all students are registered with all of the professors on the same account. This makes it easy for you (the student) because you don’t need to register multiple times with multiple professors. Just once and your done. It’s especially good for universities which have the students pay for the license themselves.

    Unfortunately, that makes it hard for you (the students) to have specific settings just for individual professors. This is only the second time I’ve heard this, but this might be happening more and I can understand the frustration.

    I’ll bring it up to our engineering team and see the difficulty for this.


  9. Zapier Integration

    Please integrate with so we can push data to wherever we need it to go!

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  10. hide responses on Android version

    Allow the hide responses option on the Android version. I appreciate that you have an app so we can lecture from a tablet or phone, but I don't like showing the responses until after everyone has responded.

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    I’m glad to hear you’ve been able to present from our Android application! I’ll bring this up with our design team and see if we can think of a way to do this. Right now, we do have a hide/show responses control in our application, but only as a remote control for our PowerPoint integration. So, we need to find a way to distinguish this from the remote control version.

    Definitely something to look into for us. Thanks for the idea!

  11. Turn off voting while generating ideas in Q&A polls

    When using a Q and A poll for idea generation/brainstorming, it's really hard to stop people voting while still in the brainstorming/idea generation phase. It would be great to be able to disable the voting feature until the ideas are all generated then turn it on for voting. It would also be good to be able to allocate a certain number of votes per respondent to limit how many ideas they can vote for. If this was a set percentage of the total ideas that the presenter can choose, that would be a really cool feature.

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    Very interesting idea! If I may ask:

    - Would you still allow people to submit new ideas after allowing the voting? Or, would it be an up/down voting phase only
    - And, would you want to just have a button the presenter can click on the chart to begin to allow voting or a different method?

    It’s a very interesting idea though! I’ll run it by the team

  12. I need a SMS number from India

    My audience will not be willing to send their feedback to a +61 country code number and incur international text charges!

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  13. Data Visualization of Results

    Enhance data visualization options for poll resutls

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  14. lms

    Requests integration with LMS Jenzabar

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  15. Allow for personalized polling order output in created reports.

    When reports are created, it organizes the polls by name instead of order presented to my class. So instead of seeing my questions appear in the order that they were presented (ex: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q1, Q2, Q3) they appear to be organized by name (ex: Q1, Q1, Q1, Q2, Q2, Q2, Q3, Q3, Q3). Can we set it up so that if I wish to view my students response patterns over the course of the quarter in a spreadsheet that they appear in chronological order? Or at the very least, in the order they appear listed…

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  16. images in polls, in other formats

    Add a figure (in different formats such as .pdf, .docx, or .pptx) to a poll

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  17. 11 votes

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    Sure! So, currently we have a lot of background color options and the ability to upload a background image. Are you thinking of something like background “templates” sort of like how PowerPoint or Keynote use for slide backgrounds?

    Otherwise, on fonts – are there any in particular you are looking for that we don’t have right now?

  18. merge surveys

    I'd love a way to merge survey response from different classes after doing the same survey with different groups

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  19. Report formatting

    Report formatting needs significant improvement.

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    Absolutely, is there anything specific with our reports that are causing you difficulties or frustration?

    Is it more how we are displaying the results with our current 5 report types? Or, that you would like more flexibility in how we format and display the reports? Or, something else entirely!

    We have made some recent changes with how our reports display open ended responses and we are in the process of updating how they display clickable image responses to be more readable and more comprehensive.

    We’re definitely up to reviewing how reporting capabilities for improvement

  20. Report customisation

    Ability to customise columns (and column formats) for exporting report data. For instance, I don't need identifier data as most of my respondents are anonymous, but I would like to have seconds-level resolution on when responses happened.

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