Presenters would like to be able to Password protect their polling sessions
This idea was brought to my attention by an educator. The idea is derived from the desire to ensure that students are present in class before participating. One easy way to do this is to apply a simple password or key required to access the presenter's response page.
My initial idea is to integrate this into the user settings, in the Poll Settings of the Personal Info page.
Interesting. Is the goal to ensure that the students are actually physically present in class and prevent cheating?
Keener, Emily commented
We have had the same request from faculty. And, yes, I think the idea comes back to preventing cheating, as well as preventing students from seeing questions as they are reviewing their presentations/animations in PowerPoint before class.
Anonymous commented
This is a problem in my large lecture class (500+ students), too. We have caught students IMing poll responses to others who are not present. Any student with internet and a friend can respond to polls. Unfortunately, a password would also be IMed to the friend. I'm not sure a way around this.
Litao Wang commented
Thanks for posting this idea for me, Chad!!! Our presenters rely heavily on PowerPoint, and it will be great if the restriction can be pre-set before the presentation. I think this setting can go under Configure > Response settings???