Embed Into A Prezi Presentation
How do I embed INTO a prezi presentation? Life a wordle and other web 2.0 apps? I would like to embed other programs with data like google spreadsheets, graphs et al. into my presentations. I love youtube but there is much more embeding opportunties our there to make prezi a must us tool!
Unfortunately, we no longer support a Prezi integration. With Prezi’s continued use of Flash we were eventually forced to drop support.
For more details you can see our blog post on the topic here: http://www.polleverywhere.com/blog/goodbye-prezi/
Sorry for any confusion!
Anonymous commented
Prezi says this doesn't work.
https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/pub?id=10-shU-J1yxn_0nkXfZHFEEBSVigyyM40QPvxEOBFbAI&embedded=true#h.16zgxkgspuxtMihaly Furedi (Prezi)
Dec 19, 11:40 PSTHello,
Thank you for contacting Prezi Support.
Currently, integration with Polleverywhere is not available in Prezi. I apologize for any inconvenience.
We are always trying to develop and improve Prezi, so feedback like yours is always welcome. I have passed on your request to our development team.
Please keep checking back at Prezi's new feature log, and hopefully one day we will have this feature available.
Please let me know if you need any further assistance. I'd be happy to help you.
Warm regards,
Zack commented
I am not seeing the "Download for Prezi" link in the Share and Send tab for my polls... Any ideas?
Sean Eby commented
We agree! That's why we're releasing some updates soon that will let you do that very easily. Keep an eye out on http://blog.polleverywhere.com for when we make an announcement.