How do you clear the poll archive? · declined
Chart of history · completed
Know what question you're voting for · declined
PowerPoint DataSheets · under review
Word Cloud should allow multiple words, without having to use a tilde (~), or underscore (_). · declined
Cobweb Diagrams
LMS - Success Factors · under review
KWL tags for pollev · under review
Proposed Report Format · completed
Can we change the colour of the Total Results? · completed
The first time I used my Poll everywhere my staff was unable to log all their repsonses. · completed
Create a new report for measuring class attendance · under review
Change the order of text number and poll number
Grading · completed
Wrap text with LaTeX formatting · planned
help · completed
Ability to lock/unlock questions from the Mac app · completed
create instructions for incorporating PE into existing PP presentations. · completed
I would like to email web voting options as links inline in an email like click insights does ( · completed