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Educators' Ideas

5 results found

  1. Depend less on integrating with powerpoint - just have other options for viewing questions.

    Options that work offline, that don't need to be pushed live.

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    We are a web service. It’s everything we do. We integrate with PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, and directly from most every web browser under the sun. And, unlike most of our newer competitors we allow text message responses.

    But, for now you’ve got to have the web for us to work. If WiFi or internet options are rough for you we recommend using the Text Message Response Method to allow people to respond and to tether or use your mobile phone as a WiFi hotspot for your presentation.

    You can read more about how to respond by text message here:

  2. SlideShark Integration for iPad

    integrate with slideshark so that it can be used on ipad.

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  3. Dual paired comparison

    Dual pair comparison. Where a list of items is randomly paired and people select which one is most important. At the end the items are shown in priority order.

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    Well, I do not think this one is on our current roadmap. We try to keep new poll types to a relatively low number to keep quality up and bloat down.

    I do recommend trying our Ranking Poll feature though! It will allow your audience to drag/drop answer choices to a particular order and submit them. There is no random pairing, but we think it’s pretty cool.

    For more info on ranking polls, check out some of our blog post on it:

  4. selfie

    allow people to send selfies to the screen

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    Ha, you know we always like to discuss this option around the office too! I think it’d be a lot of fun to allow participants to send pictures/photos as a response.

    Unfortunately, there are always going to be a certain subset of folks who will inevitably send inappropriate photos and that is just not a reputation we want to have! I can only imagine the complaints…maybe some day. But, not for a while.

    Keep the suggestions coming though!

  5. Go back to flash and have a total response count

    We have been an on and off user of poll everywhere for several years now. This weekend at a conference I wasn't as pleased with some of the new features.

    1. I did not like the idea of the embedded PowerPoint download not using Flash. I had to download a utility that took several minutes to install. This is not convenient for us. We sometimes do not know what computer the poll will be ran from ahead of time. We liked the flash plug-in better.

    2. We did not have an indication of total "votes" cast. It had a total for each…

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    Unfortunately, the embedded flash controls in PowerPoint behave unreliably (crash in presentation, lose connections and don’t update live, older versions of PowerPoint pop-up an alert on every slide with an embedded chart, etc.).

    We had to make the tough decision to move away from Flash for the above reasons. The PowerPoint plug-in is software we create, and we have much more control over the reliability and performance.

    More information can also be found here:

Educators' Ideas


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