Revert back to unrestricted stem length and font size
I am a longtime PollEverywhere user with a large collection of polls I’ve created over many years. I am upset that you decided some time ago to limit the number of characters in the stem of a multiple-choice question as well as the choice of only 3 font sizes in place of the previous slider bar that offered a full range of sizes that could be customized to be optimal.
Now, whenever I need to slightly modify the stem of a previously created poll that contains more than the arbitrary reduced number of characters, I find that I cannot do this unless I completely change the stem to conform to this limit. This prevents me from retaining important information in the stem. In many instances, this limitation makes it difficult to impossible for students to figure out the correct answer due to lack of sufficient information.
Also, the reduction in font size options has caused me to select a size that is either too large or too small. There is a huge difference in the font size between smallest and small.
Both changes, in my opinion, were bad ideas. I don't know the reasons for them, but whatever they were, they do not outweigh the disadvantages. They pose unnecessary impediments. Is there any chance of going back to your original unrestricted format? Please adhere to the old adage: If it ain’t broke, don't fix it.
Dr. Feldman
Harvey A. Feldman, MD, FACP, FASN
Physician Assistant Program
Nova Southeastern University
3200 S. University Drive
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33328-2018
Hi there, unfortunately there are space limitations when displaying an activity on a screen. We made those changes several years ago so that all the information on the screen was accessible. Thanks for understanding!