Placeholder slide: rather than random shot - just have title portion. That way, won’t ‘glitch’ while waiting for server connection
Currently the slide you’ll see in slide deck of PowerPoint is apparently randomly generated, sometimes capturing a chart with answer from previously run poll ( the last time you presented the deck live). This leads to cumbersome need to pull out the poll everywhere slides and reinsert them fresh each time you give the talk. Or else will risk a glitchy presentation and slide deck that has answers revealed from last presentation. The ‘placeholder slides’ poll everywhere uses do not update - they are truly just ‘placeholders’. The best solution is for those placeholders to be ‘clean’ and unrevealing of answers yet still informative of ‘topic’ of slide, and clear reveal that it is a poll everywhere slide. My recommendation is that the placeholder slide just be a ‘screenshot’ of empty slide (no graph or pic or answer options) with only title (question) st you op. This will also serve well for printing of handouts. And for student review of slide deck in PowerPoint on their own time - without seeing answers or answer key - until you present it live. This also leaves option open for those who like graph view versus instruction view. Still won’t ‘glitch’ appearance wise on screen when waiting for ‘live’ slide from poll everywhere server to replace the ‘placeholder’ slide.
Thanks for the feedback! That’s really interesting to hear. We had a lot of discussions about whether to show or hide the results on the placeholder images. It was tough to try and decide.
I’ve shared this with our team and we’ll be checking in with other customers if they have a preference as well.
Anonymous commented
Sorry for typo. Recommendation is for placeholder screenshot slide to just contain title/question at the top ... and otherwise be empty (no graph or answer options)