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Gary Muir

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    4 comments  ·  Ideas  ·  Admin →

    That could be cool and an interesting piece of data for folks. I’m not sure how many people would really be interested though.

    Do you think it would work if we only displayed this on the CSV (Excel) download our reports? We have limited space available on the web view and I don’t think we can fit this without sacrificing a lot.

    Otherwise, the closest thing we can easily track is the amount of time that has elapsed since the poll was made active until the response was received. This won’t always be accurate because a presenter could activate/deactivate and re-activate a single poll question during a presentation but should generally be accurate.

    Would that be enough for y’all?

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    Gary Muir commented  · 

    I would like to do several demonstrations (e.g., the Stroop effect) in my Psychology class that require response times from students. Reaction times would then need to be exported easily (e.g., into Excel) for graphing. This feature would allow me do some other cool experiments too, where students provide the actual data we're examining in class!

    Gary Muir supported this idea  · 

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