Upgrade inhibits continuity of presentation
It was much easier to integrate the poll into PPT before your upgrade. I cannot download the program on classroom computers, so there is a break in continuity, because I have to change to the web instead of staying in PPT. I believe it was better before the upgrade.
I believe you are referring to our old Flash PowerPoint integration where you did not need to download or install a program on the presentation computer. This method had some serious security and reliability concerns for us and Flash in general has become less and less supported by all of our providers as a result.
This is why we’ve switched to the much more reliable and secure HTML5 version of our PowerPoint integration.
If you have any trouble getting our PowerPoint App installed on your school computer or any other computer – feel free to send us an email to Support@PollEverywhere.com and we’ll do our best to get you sorted out. Have a great day!