Select multiple choices in a poll
Can I do multi-choice polls where people can vote on more than one option?
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I'd like people to be able to vote on more than one option. It might be I just don't know my way round polleverywhere yet, but that'd be useful for some of the tech presentations (e.g. which technologies do you have deployed)
We have a setting in our “Features lab” which will let you restrict your audience to only select each option once. It isn’t set up for Text Message responses, but is otherwise all set to go. Here’s how it works:
1. Go to
2. click Enable for the “Disable duplicate responses” feature and click “Apply lab settings”
3. navigate back to your multiple choice poll, click the Response Setting menu on the right side of the poll
4. then click the checkbox for Disable duplicate responses
Now, when you present that poll > we will disable (grey out) each response that the audience sends in.
Hannah commented
agreed - we need this option! Specially given that the labs option doesnt work on mobile....
We have a setting in our "Features lab" which will let you restrict your audience to only select each option once. It isn't set up for Text Message responses, but is otherwise all set to go. Here's how it works:
1. Go to
2. click Enable for the "Disable duplicate responses" feature and click "Apply lab settings"
3. navigate back to your multiple choice poll, click the Response Setting menu on the right side of the poll
4. then click the checkbox for Disable duplicate responsesNow, when you present that poll > we will disable (grey out) each response that the audience sends in.
Axel Gibmeier commented
When I set the maximum number of responses to let's say "unlimited" in the example, a single user may click "meat" 3 times and they're all counted individually. Can I somehome set the settings so that the users may click any items of the answers, but each one only once? (Same question as the question from Ira in November 2016 below...)
Matt commented
Was this ever resolved? Multi-select (i.e. checknbox not radio button) without this multiple voting for the same item side-effect is one of the most basic requirements that most polling solutions offer. It seems odd that Pol Everywhere offer other, much more advanced, options than the competition, yet don't support this core feature? :-\
Ira Leeds commented
I have the same problem. The problem with "response settings" is that allows you to vote for the same item multiple times as well. I want the respondent to be able to choose multiple items but not the same item multiple times. In other survey platforms, such as Google surveys, you can choose between single and multiple selection multiple choice.