Logins and the App
The "sign in" on the app is quite irritating. It takes up a fair bit of the screen, cannot be closed or shrunk, and isn't always needed.
It would also be great, if the phone didn't log out the user when a new network is connected to, or reconnected. I use this in school, with a class set of phones. Each student always gets the same phone, so either I have them log in (and they have to keep doing that) or I'd rather not have them log in, and I can view their response history on the device.
I’m going to decline for now, but we are open for argument as always.
There’s just so many k12 and Higher-Ed educations who will have students with their own phones/devices and perhaps multiple devices that we do not want to remove the Sign In or Log In option from the app.
At request, we can remove the nagger at the bottom of the phone which prompts students to log in. Please give us an email to support@PollEverywhere.com if you’re interested. You can even ask for me (Brian) and I’ll help you out.