Make it more obvious that you need to mark an answer as correct
I'm a new user. When I went to create my first polls, I assumed that the answers had all been automatically marked as correct because there were check marks next to each of them. The result was all kinds of problems. My polls didn't work at all.
I didn't realize that I needed to click a check mark to create a green background and mark the answer as correct. That interface behavior is not standard and not obvious.
Provide two clickable options, with a check mark for correct and an "X" for incorrect. Then it should be far more apparent that a choice needs to be made. See the attached mockup for a possible format.
If the user clicks "Save" without having marked any answers as correct, then show an "Are you sure?" type of intermediate dialog. This dialog can have a "Don't show again" check box so that it won't annoy someone who deliberately creates polls with no correct answers.
Thank you for your feedback! We'll look into this as we hear more reports from customers.