The Third-Party Assurance for International Polling
Since, many are left uncertain of the trustworthiness and validity of government polling, this polling system would—hopefully, and soon—be secure and credible enough from breaches, or tampering.
The single-vote, identification system, with a brief description (or a list of general information of the authenticated voter)—could help; along with creating an open forum, and categories with sub-categories for public voting of self-prioritizing topics/subjects/concerns (based on quantitative value) that the people would like to address. There could be a top 10, 20, 30, list column on the side-panel, and maybe an option for a small chatroom with a user-appropriate language-filter integrated for clarifying discussions.
Also with the each single vote, each voter can have the ‘option’ of explaining their vote to encourage others, and still change their single-vote at any time—in the light of new information.
With major public ballots, there could possibly be a deadline, real-time countdown timer that informs us of the remaining time to submit our votes, and also to change them and our perspectives.
Unfortunately, we are mainly focused on supporting presentations for universities and corporate, not directly for public office or the political domain.