Q&A poll- Disable voting until later
Idea summited from Craig Smith to create a feature for Q&A poll so moderator can to disable the voting and turn it on when all of the ideas / items have been generated
Craig says this is good practice when doing idea generation is to generate ideas THEN vote on them. It's really hard with large groups to get them to stay away from the voting buttons during the idea generation phase.
Would you still allow people to submit new ideas after allowing the voting? Or, would it be an up/down voting phase only
It’s a very interesting idea
Blake Jones commented
I'd like to remove the option to downvote on Q&A polls - kind of like Uservoice. Let respondents upvote, but no option to downvote.
Right now, if 500 people want a question asked and 480 don't, it looks like only 20 people are interested in the question, when in reality it's a very polarizing or controversial topic that we may want to address