Allow Q&A ideas to be combined/merged along with the votes
Allow ideas to be combined/merged along with the votes in the Brainstorming / Q&A poll
Blake Jones commented
Would be a great feature for Q&A as well as Word Cloud polls.
- For Q&A, identical submissions could be consolidated to make voting easier
- For Word Clouds, if someone submits "Puppies" and someone else submits "Pupperinos" and someone else submits "Puppy" they show up separately even though they're the same response, and all 3 would appear small instead of a single, larger response. -
Jacob commented
In upvotes, if one user enters “Fried eggs”, and a second enters “Fried eggs”, they both become options on which users can vote. We would prefer the second entry of an identical phrase to be counted as an upvote (i.e. combined with the previous entry), rather than a second voting option. This behavior would be similar to the algorithm underlying the wordle, where identical entries are combined.
Anna Moyle commented
I would like to be able to moderate open-ended questions that are submitted so that they can be put into groups or categories. We use Poll Everywhere for one-time events to take questions for a panel. But we choose to have one person moderate all the questions, and he would like to be able to group them as they come in, as many of them are similar. We don't want the audience to choose what questions are asked - this is for the moderator's benefit.
Erik Lockhart commented
i would suggest in your open ended tool giving the leader / facilitator the ability to group/cluster ideas so that similar ideas can be put in themes. then be able to vote on them would be easier
Rajesh commented
Many ideas suggested in brainstorming mode will likely need to be consolidated