Provide ability for groups to review reports in class and remotely without having to PDF
I have created a (five poll) survey and hope to have a relatively large (500) number of people take the survey.
Then I plan to run at least three different reports.
After that, I will break my class of thirty into groups of three to five and what I would like to do is to have the students, in their groups and via their Chromebooks, access the reports in order to be able, as a group, to come up with some conclusions.
For now, it seems that the only way I can do this is to run the report, then print the report to PDF, then post the PDF to Schoology, then have the students access the PDF, downloading in all likelihood in order to see the pdf (the Chromebook/Schoology combination can prove problematic in this regard).
How cool would it be if I could simply copy a link to the report and then post the link to Schoology.
Even cooler if one of the students could then make a copy of the report, share it with the other students in the group, then comment about what's being viewed in a margin in real time.
This way students could review the report remotely and, via some kind of ichat, comment with one another while reviewing the report and/or leave comments for the other group members to read upon returning to the report.
This could be tricky with privacy and security concerns. But, I can definitely see the benefit for the ability to share the reports by a link.
Peter Paccone commented
The survey I created is entitled Will Americans Ever Again Amend Their Constitution. Feel free to take the survey. Here's the link.
Imagine how interesting, informative, and engaging it would be if groups of students could (whether in class or remotely) review whatever reports that I end up producing as it relates to this survey.