Ability to display hard-coded new lines
Because I use PollEverywhere in my programming course, it is necessary sometimes to include short pieces of code. However, despite appearing to include the newlines when creating the poll, when that same poll actually displays to the screen, the newlines disappear and everything runs together into a paragraph. I'm not sure whether I am doing something wrong, or if something is going on with the tool.
Well, there are a few tricks. You can add breaklines by using \n (backslash n) to create a new line.
So, to write the following output:
“How cool is this?
Please note: the answer is Ice Cold”
You would type this in the title field:
“How cool is this? \n Please note: the answer is Ice Cold”
We also support just about any HTML Entity in the title of the poll question if you want to be fancy. This can get you a lot of various mathematical symbols. You can read about them here: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_entities.asp